history :: on blogging this blog
happy blogging birthday!
( blogs are now 10 years old )
( blogs are now 10 years old )
it's been very rewarding but i
may quit blogging here in 2008
the idea of drawing from this material
for a book may be futile : no publishers
since i haven't told more 5 people about it
i may open it up for ads and see what happens (and post an ad-free version online elsewhere)
meantime, another thought comes to mind about blogging (please see my first blog )
at lunch, my friend R explained to me the blog posts are from most recent entry (first) to oldest (last) as is the Index of Blog Posts ( "previous posts" ) known as The Stack ... because — — — — —
————— "what is latest is the most favored."
aha, and it's only a slight tweak from there to:What Is Latest Is The Most Favored
When Landmark Theatres reopened the Palace (across from Washington Square), and I saw Clockwork Orange for the first time, I asked the tall thin dark-haired young man with big eyes, and a prominent nose and adam's apple, ushering at the door, what his favorite films were, and he gulped and answered the questions with another question:
————— "Out now?"
Question: can anyone name all the nominees for Academy Award for Best Picture, Best Actor, or Best Actress of any previous year? No. Or probably a handful at best.
What is latest is the most favored.
Just watch how people read the daily newspaper. At a cafe, you can find the sports section, the front page, the local section, and business, but the entertainment section is never left behind. Nuggets of gold. Some people even read it first.
Consider the pace of change ( speed ) of three things:
- religion
- politics
- culture
Pick up any newspaper: Jesus is still the messiah. A little more open to updating is politics. And the most permeable to erasure and revision: culture.
I don't need to tell you the hub of America's culture is the entertainment industry, with moving pictures at the crown.
With movies as the common denominator, it's no wonder Now is the universal dominator. Moving pictures = The Art of Now — every scene in a movie taking place now, whether it's a flashback or dream sequence, a wedding proposal or a shoot-out, the Fall of Atlanta or the Sack of Rome.
What is latest (what is now) is best.
As the comment says to my entry on history, movies are about eternal now.
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